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Articles in in referenced journals |
Contribution | Source | |
Compact All-Optical Quantum Sensor Device Based on Nitrogen Vacancy Centers in Diamond Mario Bähr, Martin Jahn, Christoph Heinze, Kristin Neckermann, Jan Meijer, Thomas Ortlepp |
Physica status solidi (a), Volume 220, Issue 4, 02/2023 | |
Thermoelectric Properties of Doped Polycrystalline Silicon Film Li Long, Thomas Ortlepp |
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Vol. 17, Nr. 9, Page 116-122, 10.07.2023 | |
Effect of inelastic ion collisions on Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGAD) explained by the A_Si-Si_i-defect model Kevin Lauer, Stephanie Reiß, Aaron Flötotto, Katharina Peh, Dominik Bratek, Robin Müller, Dirk Schulze, Wichard Beenken, Erich Runge, Erik Hiller, Thomas Ortlepp, Stefan Krischok |
arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.07280, 13.11.2023 | |
Contributions for conferences and magazines |
Contribution | Source | |
Optimization of Thermopile Sensor Performance of Polycrystalline Silicon Film Li Long, Thomas Ortlepp |
Journal | World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Vol. 17, Nr. 7, Page 80-89, 10.07.2023 |
Design and Simulation of scalable AQFP circuits Anna Reinhardt, Thomas Ortlepp, Dominik Karolewski, Bernhard Schwartz |
Poster | QSolid - 2nd Collaborative Meeting, Karlsruhe, Germany, 28.02.-02.03.2023 |
HPHT-diamond materials for industry-type quantum sensor device applications Mario Bähr |
Poster | Hasselt Diamond Workshop 2023 - SBDD XXVII, Hasselt, Belgium, 15.-17.03.2023 |
An innovative Si package for high-performance UVC LEDs Indira Käpplinger |
Poster | ICULTA 2023, Berlin, Germany, 23.-26.04.2023 |
Setting up a pressure sensor with flush membrane and without oil filling Thomas Frank, Stefan Hermann, André Grün, Danny Hanig, Manuel Kermann |
Poster | SMSI 2023 - Sensor and Measurement Science International, Nuremberg, Germany, 08.-11.05.2023 |
A MEMS micromachined low cost microheater platform for applications in thermal sensors Abdelazize Laades, Christoph Heinze, Li Long, Dominik Karolewski, Julia Baldauf, Thomas Klein, Thomas Ortlepp |
Poster | SMSI 2023 - Sensor and Measurement Science International, Nuremberg, Germany, 08.-11.05.2023 |
Optimization of Micro-Hotplates for better Performance as infrared Emitters Andreas T. Winzer, Julia Baldauf, Toni Schildhauer, Nicole Thronicke |
Poster | SMSI 2023 - Sensor and Measurement Science International, Nuremberg, Germany, 08.-11.05.2023 |
Optimization of Micro-Hotplates for better Performance in Infrared Emitters Andreas T. Winzer, Julia Baldauf, Toni Schildhauer, Nicole Thronicke |
Poster | Innovationstag Mittelstand 2023, Berlin, Germany, 15.06.2023 |
Demonstration of a High-Speed Interface Circuit forJosephson-CMOS memories Hongxiang Shen, Thomas Ortlepp |
Poster | EUCAS - 16th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, Bologna, Italia, 03.-07.09.2023 |
Advanced FLUXONICS process with sub-µm Nb/AlOx/Nb junctions for digital circuits Jürgen Kunert, Matthias Schmelz, Katja Peiselt, Gregor Ölsner, Soundarya Gopala Reddy, Thomas Ortlepp, Ronny Stolz |
Poster | EUCAS - 16th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, Bologna, Italia, 03.-07.09.2023 |
Making use of low-cost HPHT-diamond materials for industry-type quantum sensor device applications M. Bähr, C. Wild, W. Knolle, J. Fuhrmann, T. Lühmann, S. Reiss, J. Meijer, T. Ortlepp |
Poster | 33rd International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials, Palma, Spain, 10.-14.09.2023 |
Kompakter Nanoindenter mit integrierten Weg- und Kraftsensor Thomas Frank, Stefan Hermann, André Grün, Danny Hanig, Manuel Kermann, Heike Wünscher, Georg Font, Luca Zenone |
Poster | 10. MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2023, Dresden, 23.-25.10.2023 |
Verwendung von Siliziumdehnungssensoren für makroskopische Prüfkörper Thomas Frank, Stefan Hermann, André Grün, Danny Hanig, Manuel Kermann, Heike Wünscher, Georg Font, Luca Zenone |
Poster | 10. MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2023, Dresden, 23.-25.10.2023 |
Thermo-electrical improvement of a MEMS-IR-Emitter membrane Andreas T. Winzer, Toni Schildhauer |
Poster | COMSOL Conference 2023, Munich, Germany, 25.-27.10.2023 |
Sicherheit in der Sensorik in der Society 5.0 Thomas Ortlepp |
Presentation | Asa no Kai - Networking-Frühstück Japan, Erfurt, Germany, 25.01.2023 |
MEMS Technologien für Infrarotkomponenten Martin Schädel |
Presentation | Spotlights der Mikro- und Nanotechnologie, online, 07.02.2023 |
Modeling the light-induced degradation (LID) in silicon due to ASi-Sii-de-fects Kevin Lauer, Aaron Flötotto, Dominik Bratek, Ralf Müller, Katharina Peh, Dirk Schulze, Wichard J.D. Beenken, Stefan Krischok |
Presentation | 5. Symposium Materialtechnik, Technische Universität, Clausthal, Germany, 23.-24.02.2023 |
Optische Sensoren zur Überwachung und Steuerung von Industrieprozessen Martin Schädel |
Presentation | 3. Technologietag Angewandte Sensorik, |
Innovative Sensorik für das Flanschdichtungsmonitoring Klaus Ettrich, Thomas Frank |
Presentation | 37. Fachtagung Rohrleitungstechnik, Dortmund, Germany, 21.-22.03.2023 |
Real-time non-invasive monitoring of human blood pressure based on a multi-spectral micro-optical sensor Hans-Georg Ortlepp, Martin Jahr, Martin Schädel, Olaf Brodersen, Thomas Ortlepp |
Presentation | Industrie-Innovationsdialog (IID), Erfurt, Germany, 22.03.2023 |
Calibration of low temperature photoluminescence of boron doped silicon with increased temperature precision Katharina Peh, Aaron. Flötotto, Kevin Lauer, Dirk Schulze, Dominik Bratek, Stefan Krischok |
Presentation | DPG Frühjahrstagung - Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Dresden, Germany, 26.-31.03.2023 |
Investigation of the influence of light-induced degradation on boron-doped silicon Robin Lars Benedikt Müller, Katharina Peh, Kevin Lauer, Dirk Schulze, Stefan Krischok, Dominik Bratek, Aaron Flötotto |
Presentation | DPG Frühjahrstagung - Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Dresden, Germany, 26.-31.03.2023 |
Investigation of the P-line by low temperature photoluminescence to determine an illumination cycle Dominik Bratek, Katharina Peh, Kevin Lauer, Dirk Schulze, Stefan Krischok, Aaron Flötotto, Robin Lars Benedikt Müller |
Presentation | DPG Frühjahrstagung - Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Dresden, Germany, 26.-31.03.2023 |
Energy landscape of BSi defects calculated by DFT for modelling light-induced degradation in silicon Aaron Flötotto, Wichard J.D. Beenken, Kevin Lauer, Erich Runge |
Presentation | DPG Frühjahrstagung - Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Dresden, Germany, 26.-31.03.2023 |
Dependence of the activation energy of light-induced degradation (LID) in silicon on the illumination intensity Kevin Lauer, Katharina Peh, Dirk Schulze, Stefan Krischok |
Presentation | DPG Frühjahrstagung - Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Dresden, Germany, 26.-31.03.2023 |
NDUV spectroscopy for ammonia determination Christian Möller, Stefan Görlandt, Indira Käpplinger, Thomas Ortlepp |
Presentation | ICULTA 2023, Berlin, Germany, 23.-26.04.2023 |
Robuste Sensorik Thomas Ortlepp |
Presentation | 5. OptecNet Jahrestagung - Technologietrends - Networking, Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany, 25.-26.04.2023 |
MEMS Development for Smart Mobility Driver Condition Monitoring for Safety Thomas Ortlepp |
Presentation | IVAM Hightech Summit, Bochum, Germany, 03.-04.05.2023 |
Neuartiger Wärmestromsensor auf der Basis von Siliziumtechnologie I. Tobehn-Steinhäuser, G. Krapf, S. Marin, Xuemei Xu, J. Beerel, T. Ortlepp, T. Fröhlich |
Presentation | Clusterkonferenz microTEC Südwest, Freiburg, Germany, 15.-16.05.2023 |
Sekundärionenmassenspektrometrie und ihre Anwendung für die Quantentechnologie Stephanie Reiß |
Presentation | CiS Workshop Analytik & Messtechnik: Moderne Analytik für innovative und nachhaltige Sensorik & Materialwissenschaft, Erfurt, 06.06.2023 |
10 years of A_Si-Si_i-defect development: Breakthrough measurements Kevin Lauer |
Presentation | CiS Workshop Analytik & Messtechnik: Moderne Analytik für innovative und nachhaltige Sensorik & Materialwissenschaft, Erfurt, 06.06.2023 |
Thermoelectric Properties of Doped Polycrystalline Silicon Film Li Long, Thomas Ortlepp |
Presentation | Thin Films and Functional Materials, Paris, France, 10.-11.07.2023 |
Optimization of Thermopile Sensor Performance of Polycrystalline Silicon Film Li Long, Thomas Ortlepp |
Presentation | Thin Films and Functional Materials, Paris, France, 10.-11.07.2023 |
Sensitivity of the Adiabatic Quantum Flux Parametron as interface circuit Thomas Ortlepp |
Presentation | EUCAS - 16th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, Bologna, Italia, 03.-07.09.2023 |
Defect-engineering for better silicon devices based on understanding of the ASi-Sii-defect Kevin Lauer, Christian Möller, Stephanie Reiß, Aaron Flötotto, Katharina Peh, Dominik Bratek, Robin Müller, Dirk Schulze, Stefan Krischok, Wichard Beenken, Erich Runge, Erik Hiller, Thomas Ortlepp |
Presentation | 60th Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium | Engineering for a Changing World, Ilmenau, Germany, 04.-08.09.2023 |
Transparent photodiodes for standing wave interferometer Christian Möller, Ingo Ortlepp, Thomas Klein, Thomas Ortlepp, Eberhard Manske |
Presentation | 60th Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium | Engineering for a Changing World, Ilmenau, Germany, 04.-08.09.2023 |
Investigation of a LID defect energy barrier confirming the relationship between the "P-line" in the indium doped silicon PL spectra to the A_Si-Si_i defect model Katharina Peh, Dominik Bratek, Kevin Lauer, Robin Lars Benedikt Müller, Dirk Schulze, Aaron Flötotto, Stefan Krischok |
Presentation | 6th International Conference on Materials Science & Nanotechnology, Rom, Italia, 06.-07.09.2023 |
DFT study of B-Si-defects for modelling light-induced degradation (LID) in silicon Aaron Flötotto, Wichard Beenken, Kevin Lauer, Erich Runge |
Presentation | 32nd International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors (32nd ICDS), Rehoboth Beach, USA, 10.-15.09.2023 |
Effect of inelastic ion collisions on Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGAD) explained by the A_Si-Si_i-defect model Kevin Lauer, Stephanie Reiß, Aaron Flötotto, Katharina Peh, Dominik Bratek, Robin Müller, Dirk Schulze, Wichard Beenken, Erich Runge, Erik Hiller, Thomas Ortlepp, Stefan Krischok |
Presentation | 24th International Workshop on Inelastic Ion-Surface Collisions (IISC-24), Charleston, USA, 10.-15.09.2023 |
Innovative Silicon-Ceramic (SiCer) Technology for High-Strength Pressure Sensor Applications Using Different Manufacturing Methods Cathleen Kleinholz, Michael Fischer, Nam Gutzeit, Andrea Cyriax, Michael Hintz, Thomas Ortlepp, Jens Müller |
Presentation | 24th European Microelectronics and Packaging Conference & Exhibition (EMPC), Hinxton, UK, 11.-14. September 2023 |
Fügetechnologie mit Reaktivschichtsystemen - vom Chip zum Wafer Indira Käpplinger |
Presentation | CiS Workshop Aufbau- & Verbindungstechnik: Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Hybrid- und Waferlevel-Montage, Erfurt, 12.09.2023 |
Fortschritte in der Modellierung piezoresistiver Widerstandsbrücken Bernhard Schwartz |
Presentation | CiS Workshop Simulation & Design: Modellierung in der Mikrosystemtechnik, Erfurt, 26.09.2023 |
Vergleich und Kombination verschiedener Simulationsanwendungen zur Modellierung optischer Sensoren Martin Jahn |
Presentation | CiS Workshop Simulation & Design: Modellierung in der Mikrosystemtechnik, Erfurt, 26.09.2023 |
Ermittlung von Materialparametern bei polykristallinem Silizium am Beispiel der piezoresistiven Koeffizienten Dominik Karolewski |
Presentation | CiS Workshop Simulation & Design: Modellierung in der Mikrosystemtechnik, Erfurt, 26.09.2023 |
Membranlose Drucksensoren für den Einsatzbereich über 1000 Mpa Thomas Frank, Stefan Hermann, André Grün, Danny Hanig, Manuel Kermann, Michael Hintz, Andrea Cyriax |
Presentation | 10. MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2023, Dresden, 23.-25.10.2023 |
KODIAK: Components and modules for improved optical diagnostics Michael Scholles, Nicole Isserstedt-John, Dirk Kuhlmeier, Martin Jahn, Martin Reuter, Benjamin Saft, Eric Schäfer, Mirjam Skadell, Alexander Zimmer, Ana Leonor H. Lopes |
Presentation | 10. MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2023, Dresden, 23.-25.10.2023 |
Establishing an experimentally verified model for a MEMS hotplate Andreas T. Winzer, Toni Schildhauer |
Presentation | COMSOL Conference 2023, Munich, Germany, 25.-27.10.2023 |
Silicon-Based Microsensors for Medical & Health Care Applications Martin Schädel |
Presentation | COMPAMED High-Tech Forum 2023, Düsseldorf, Germany, 13.11.2022 |
MEMS Sensoren für grünen Wasserstoff Klaus Ettrich |
Presentation | Abschlusskonferenz GREAT H2, Erfurt, Germany, 22.11.2023 |
The numerous configurations of "interstital boron" and their envolvement in ARP of LGADs Kevin Lauer, Aaron Flötotto, Katharina Peh, Robin Müller, Wichard Beenken, Erich Runge, Dirk Schulze, Stefan Krischok, Thomas Ortlepp |
Presentation | 43rd RD50 Workshop, CERN, Switzerland, 28.11.-01.12.2023 |
Dünnschichtmesstechnik Seminar und Workshop Christian Möller |
Presentation | Dünnschichtmesstechnik Seminar und Workshop, Berlin, Germany, 29.-30.11.2023 |
Korrelation zwischen Eingangsparametern und der Performance für ein Miniatur-Fluoreszenzphotometer innerhalb einer Kleinserie Ralf Müller, Michael Hintz, Kristin Neckermann, Roland Krivanek, Achim Müller |
Magazine | tm - Technisches Messen, Vol. 90, Nr. 4, Page 237-247, 28.04.2023 |