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Articles in in referenced journals |
Contribution | Source | |
Advanced FLUXONICS process with sub-µm Nb/AlOx/Nb junctions for digital circuits Jürgen Kunert, Matthias Schmelz, Katja Peiselt, Gregor Ölsner, Soundarya Gopala Reddy, Thomas Ortlepp, Ronny Stolz |
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Volume 34, Issue 3, ASN 1101105, 16.01.2024 | |
Modeling, properties, and fabrication of a micromachined thermoelectric generator Hartmut Uebensee, Manfred Reiche, Hans Kosina, Xuemei Xu, Hartmut S. Leipner, Geert Brokmann, Bernhard Schwartz, Anna Reinhardt, Thomas Ortlepp |
AIP Advances, Volume 14, Issue 1, 015165, 31.01.2024 | |
Making Use of Low-Cost High-PressureHigh-Temperature-Diamond Materials for Industry-Type Quantum Sensor Device Applications Mario Bähr, Christoph Wild, Wolfgang Knolle, Muhammad B. Javed, Jens Fuhrmann, Tobias Lühmann, Steffanie Reiss, Jan B. Meijer, Thomas Ortlepp |
Phys. Status Solidi Phys. Status Solidi A 2400457, 09/2024 | |
Contributions for conferences and magazines |
Contribution | Source | |
Assembly of industry-ready HPHT-diamond diaphragms containing NV-centres into pressure sensor devices Mario Bähr, Raphael Kuhnen, Christoph Wild, Wolfgang Knolle, Andre Grün, Thomas Frank, Thomas Ortlepp |
Poster | Hasselt Diamond Workshop 2024 - SBDD XXVIII, Hasselt, Belgium, 28.02.-01.03.2024 |
Neuartiger Wärmestromsensor auf Siliziumbasis Ingo Tobehn-Steinhäuser, Lukas Barthelmann, Rafal Szywilewski, Xumei Xu, Thomas Ortlepp |
Poster | EASS 2024 - Energieautonome Sensorsysteme, Freiburg, Germany, 19.-20.03.2024 |
Miniaturized fluorescence measurement system with novel dichroic beam splitter cubes with 3 by 3 by 3 cubic millimeters and special optical direction-selective filters Ralf Müller, Thomas Siefke, Uwe Zeitner, Kristin Neckermann, Michael Hintz, Beatrix Ploss, Marc Lappschies |
Poster | SPIE Optical Systems Design 2024, Strasbourg, France, 07.-11.04.2024 |
MAG4NV: Magnetische Landschaft für Quantenprozessoren Mario Bähr |
Poster | QNC Summit & FMD Innovation Day 2024, Berlin, Germany, 24.-25.04.2024 |
Kontinuierliche Ammoniakbestimmung durch Leitfähigkeitsmessungen im Kondensat Heike Wünscher, Steffen Herbst, Andreas Frank, Jean Michel Zapf, Thomas Frank, Michaela Schnider |
Poster | 22. GMA/ITG-Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme 2024, Nuremberg, Germany, 11.-12.06.2024 |
Siliziumdehnungssensoren zur Werkzeuginnendruckmessung Thomas Frank, Stefan Hermann, André Grün, Danny Hanig, Manuel Kermann, Michael Hintz, Andrea Cyriax, Heike Wünscher, Thomas Ortlepp |
Poster | 22. GMA/ITG-Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme 2024, Nuremberg, Germany, 11.-12.06.2024 |
Theoretical investigation of single Boron defects in silicon Aaron Flötotto, Wichard J. D. Beenken, Kevin Lauer, Erich Runge |
Poster | GADEST 2024, Bad Schandau, Germany, 08.-13.09.2024 |
Investigation of Tl-doped silicon by low temperature photoluminescence during LID treatments Kevin Lauer, Robin Müller, Katharina Peh, Dirk Schulze, Stefan Krischok, Stephanie Reiß, Andreas Frank, Thomas Ortlepp |
Poster | GADEST 2024, Bad Schandau, Germany, 08.-13.09.2024 |
PowderMEMS magnets as enabler for miniaturized NV based quantum sensors and quantum processor architectures Mario Bähr, Björn Gojdka, Indira Käpplinger, Dominik Karolewski, Jan Meijer, Thomas Ortlepp |
Poster | MNE 2024 | 50th International Micro and Nano Engineering Conference, Montpellier, France, 16.-19.09.2024 |
Hybrid fabrication of Omega Active Cantilevers with Diamond Tip Mario Bähr, Kristin Neckermann, Pavol Shulgach, Manuela Breiter, Hans-Georg Pietscher, Fabian Dietrich, Aditya Suryadi Tan, Thomas Sattel, Thomas Ortlepp, Ivo W. Rangelow |
Poster | MNE 2024 | 50th International Micro and Nano Engineering Conference, Montpellier, France, 16.-19.09.2024 |
Design and Integration of AQFP based interface circuits for quantum computing Thomas Ortlepp, Anna Reinhardt, Dominik Karolewski, Bernhard Schwartz, Indira Käpplinger, Soundarya Gopala Reddy, Jürgen Kunert, Matthias Schmelz, Gregor Oelsner, Ronny Stolz |
Poster | Halbzeit-Statustreffen "Quantencomputer Demonstrationsaufbauten", Berlin, Germany, 22.-23.10.2024 |
CoGeQ: Competitive German Quantum Computer - Hardware Assembly Mario Bähr, Indira Käpplinger, Peter Schlupp, Tobias Lühmann, Björn Gojdka, Thomas Lisec, Thomas Ortlepp, Jan Meijer |
Poster | Halbzeit-Statustreffen "Quantencomputer Demonstrationsaufbauten", Berlin, Germany, 22.-23.10.2024 |
Improving the design process of a MEMS-IR-Emitter Toni Schildhauer, Andreas Winzer, Julia Baldauf |
Poster | Comsol Conference 2024, Florenz, Italia, 22.-24.10.2024 |
Sensor zur kontinuierlichen Überwachung von Schraubenverbindungen Andreas Albrecht |
Poster | iENA - Internationale Fachmesse, Nuremberg, Germany, 26.-28.10.2024 |
Optischer Im-Ohr-Sensor zur Überwachung wichtiger Vitalparameter Andreas Albrecht |
Poster | iENA - Internationale Fachmesse, Nuremberg, Germany, 26.-28.10.2024 |
Fast IR-MEMS-emitters for NDIR applications Toni Schildhauer, Julia Baldauf, Andreas T. Winzer |
Presentation | SPIE Photonics West 2024, San Francisco, USA, 27.01.-01.02.2024 |
Quantum precise bias supply of superconducting single photon detectors Andreas T. Winzer, Thomas Ortlepp |
Presentation | SPIE Photonics West 2024, San Francisco, USA, 27.01.-01.02.2024 |
Pushing the understanding of quantum defects in silicon ahead to tailor quantum sensing by low-gain avalanche detectors Kevin Lauer, Stephanie Reiß, Andreas Frank, Aaron Flötotto, Katharina Peh, Dominik Bratek, Robin Müller, Dirk Schulze, Stefan Krischok, Wichard Beenken, Erich Runge, Erik Hiller, Thomas Ortlepp |
Presentation | SPIE Photonics West 2024, San Francisco, USA, 27.01.-01.02.2024 |
Establishing an experimentally verified model for a MEMS hotplate Toni Schildhauer, Andreas T. Winzer |
Presentation | SPIE Photonics West 2024, San Francisco, USA, 27.01.-01.02.2024 |
Engineering silicon detectors with high quantum efficiency for low energy electrons Kevin Lauer, Stephanie Reiß, Andreas Frank, Thomas Klein, Erik Hiller, Thomas Ortlepp |
Presentation | SPIE Photonics West 2024, San Francisco, USA, 27.01.-01.02.2024 |
Low temperature photoluminescence investigation of boron doped and quenched silicon Kevin Lauer, Robin Müller, Zia Ul-Islam, Katharina Peh, Dirk Schulze, Stefan Krischok |
Presentation | DPG Frühjahrstagung, Berlin, Germany, 17.-22.03.2024 |
Energy landscape around the BSiSii defect - a DFT Study Aaron Flötotto, Wichard J. D. Beenken, Kevin Lauer, Erich Runge |
Presentation | DPG Frühjahrstagung, Berlin, Germany, 17.-22.03.2024 |
Investigation of a LID defect energy barrier using a P-line appearing in indium-doped silicon PL spectra Katharina Peh, Dominik Bratek, Kevin Lauer, Robin Lars Benedikt Müller, Dirk Schulze, Aaron Flöttotto, Stefan Krischok |
Presentation | DPG Frühjahrstagung, Berlin, Germany, 17.-22.03.2024 |
Luminescence study of light induced degradation in thallium implanted silicon Robin Lars Benedikt Müller, Kevin Lauer, Katharina Peh, Zia Ul-Islam, Dirk Schulze, Stefan Krischok |
Presentation | DPG Frühjahrstagung, Berlin, Germany, 17.-22.03.2024 |
Entwicklungen in der Quantentechnologie Bernhard Schwartz |
Presentation | InnoLOG: Mitteldeutschland Europäischer Hotspot der Mikroelektronik und Quantentechnologie, Fraunhofer Zentrum Erfurt (FZE), Erfurt, Germany, 04.04.2024 |
Quantum precise bias supply and single flux quantum readout of superconducting nanowire single photon detectors Thomas Ortlepp |
Presentation | ICQMT 2024 - International Conference on Quantum Materials and Technologies, Ölüdeniz, Turkey, 27.04.-04.05.2024 |
Supercontacting Single Photon Detector for Quantum Secure Communication Thomas Ortlepp |
Presentation | IVAM Hightech Summit, 07.-08.05.2024 |
Workflow for Modelling Electrical Properties of Piezoresistive Silicon MEMS Devices Bernhardt Schwartz, Geert Brokmann, Thomas Ortlepp |
Presentation | DTIP 2024 - Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, Dresden, Germany, 02.-05.06.2024 |
Schnelle IR-MEMS-Strahler für NDIR-Anwendungen Toni Schildhauer |
Presentation | 22. GMA/ITG-Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme 2024, Nuremberg, Germany, 11.-12.06.2024 |
Drucksensorkonzept basierend auf NV-Zentren in Diamant Mario Bähr |
Presentation | 22. GMA/ITG-Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme 2024, Nuremberg, Germany, 11.-12.06.2024 |
Investigation of defect meta-stabilities in silicon doped with thallium by low temperature photoluminescence spectroscopy Kevin Lauer, Robin Müller, Katharina Peh, Dirk Schulze, Stefan Krischok, Stephanie Reiß, Andreas Frank, Thomas Ortlepp |
Presentation | 1st DRD3 week on Solid State Detectors R&D, CERN, Genf, Switzerland, 17.-19.06.2024 |
Miniaturized fluorescence measurement system with novel dichroic beam splitter cubes with 3 by 3 by 3 cubic millimeters and special optical direction-selective filters Ralf Müller, Thomas Siefke, Uwe Zeitner, Kristin Neckermann, Michael Hintz, Beatrix Ploss, Marc Lappschies |
Presentation | SPIE Optical Systems Design, Strasbourg, France, Proceedings Volume 13019, Optical Design and Engineering IX; 1301924, 2024 |
Current Sensitivity of the AQFP as interface circuit for Quantum Computing Systems Thomas Ortlepp, Anna Reinhardt, Taghrid Haddad, Bernhardt Schwartz, Gregor Oelsner, Matthias Schmelz, Soundarya Gopala Reddy, Ronny Stolz |
Presentation | The Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC 2024), Salt Lake City, USA, 01.-06.09.2024 |
Quantum precise bias supply and single flux quantum readout of superconducting nanowire single photon detectors Thomas Ortlepp, Anna Reinhardt, Sonja Engert, Christian Möller |
Presentation | The Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC 2024), Salt Lake City, USA, 01.-06.09.2024 |
Relationship between the P-line in indium-doped silicon spectra and the recent ASi-Sii defect model Katharina Peh, Dominik Bratek, Kevin Lauer, Robin Müller, Dirk Schulze, Aaron Flötotto, Stefan Krischok |
Presentation | GADEST 2024, Bad Schandau, Germany, 08.-13.09.2024 |
Exploring ASi-Sii-defects as qubits Kevin Lauer, Katharina Peh, Robin Müller, Dirk Schulze, Rüdiger Schmidt-Grund, Stefan Krischok, Aaron Flötotto, Wichard Beenken, Erich Runge, Anna Reinhardt, Mario Bähr, Stephanie Reiß, Andreas Frank, Thomas Ortlepp |
Presentation | GADEST 2024, Bad Schandau, Germany, 08.-13.09.2024 |
Imaging doping regions in Silicon-based MEMS structures using Raman-microscopy Mario Bähr |
Presentation | Raman Imaging Symposium, Ulm, Germany, 23.-25.09.2024 |
Wasserstoff aus der katalytischen Ammoniakspaltung - Sensoren zur Beurteilung der Gasqualität am Ausgang des Ammoniak-Crackers Heike Wünscher |
Presentation | elmug4future, Erfurt, Germany, 16.-17.10.2024 |
Ladungsträgerbeweglichkeit in Halbleitern bei kryogenen Temperaturen: Halbleitertechnologie für das Monitoring von flüssigem Wasserstoff Ingo Tobehn-Steinhäuser |
Presentation | elmug4future, Erfurt, Germany, 16.-17.10.2024 |
Herstellung hochfester Drucksensoren mithilfe innovativer Silizium-Keramik Technologie (SiCer) Cathleen Kleinholz, Michael Fischer, Andrea Cyriax, Michael Hintz, Thomas Ortlepp, Jens Müller |
Presentation | IMAPS Herbstkonferenz 2024, Munich, Germany, 17.-18.10.2024 |
Improving the design process of a MEMS-IR-Emitter Toni Schildhauer, Andreas Winzer, Julia Baldauf |
Presentation | Comsol Conference 2024, Florenz, Italia, 22.-24.10.2024 |
Flinke Infrarot-Strahler-Arrays Toni Schildhauer, Andreas T. Winzer, Martin Schädel |
Presentation | CIS MOEMS-Workshop "NDIR-Sensorik - von der Komponente bis zum System", Erfurt, 23.10.2024 |
Neuronale Netze für die Modellierung von IR-Strahlern Andreas T. Winzer, Toni Schildhauer, Julia Baldauf |
Presentation | CIS MOEMS-Workshop "NDIR-Sensorik - von der Komponente bis zum System", Erfurt, 23.10.2024 |
Degradationseffekte in MEMS IR-Strahlern Julia Baldauf, Toni Schildhauer |
Presentation | CIS MOEMS-Workshop "NDIR-Sensorik - von der Komponente bis zum System", Erfurt, 23.10.2024 |
Redundante Temperatursensoren Ingo Tobehn-Steinhäuser |
Presentation | CIS MEMS-Workshop "Neue Methoden bei der Entwicklung & Anwendung von Siliziumsensoren", Erfurt, 06.11.2024 |
HEB - High End Beschleunigungssensoren Stefan Völlmeke |
Presentation | CIS MEMS-Workshop "Neue Methoden bei der Entwicklung & Anwendung von Siliziumsensoren", Erfurt, 06.11.2024 |
Minimierung von Montagespannungen auf Chip- und Sensorebene Johannes Zeh, Sebastian Pobering |
Presentation | CIS MEMS-Workshop "Neue Methoden bei der Entwicklung & Anwendung von Siliziumsensoren", Erfurt, 06.11.2024 |