For the 3rd time, the research institute located in the southeast of the city of Erfurt is participating in the Erfurt Science Night. On November 8, 2013, scientists and engineers will present their research areas in a vivid way. In doing so, CiS will provide an insight into microscopically small things that are used as sensors in many areas.
How accurately can surface profiles be measured in the nanometer range? A bending beam made of silicon, 5 mm long and 0.2 mm allows the detection of the smallest deflections of up to 2 nanometers.
New possibilities for leveling-or how accurate can precision scales be? Here, microsystems technology meets a measuring method from 1666.
The little man in the ear – monitors life functions – dream or soon reality?
How does infrared technology make heat visible and why are solar cells examined with it?
The experiments on the subject of bionics invite visitors to touch and participate. What do fish fins have to do with a soccer stadium? Which fish is the model for the automotive industry? These and other topics provide a small insight into nature as a role model and its implementation in technology.
Two guided tours provide a small glimpse behind the scenes. How is a solar cell made from sand and how do everyday things look under the electron microscope?
We cordially invite all visitors to see, marvel and experiment.
For more information please visit the website: