Optoelectronic sensor ensures reliable refrigeration technology
/in MEMS, MOEMS, PackagingBased on special chip and assembly technologies from the CiS Research Institute, the ILK Institut für Luft- und Kältetechnik gGmbH, Dresden has developed a cost-effective multi-parameter system for continuous monitoring of humidity, bubble formation, temperature and level in refrigerant systems
Jena scientist Astrid Bingel receives honor for outstanding diploma thesis
/in CiS generalFor the third time, CiS e.V. awarded a prize for diploma or master theses in the fields of sensors, actuators, microsystems technology and photovoltaics. This prize recognizes outstanding work in these fields, preferably done in conjunction with industry
CiS Research Institute becomes affiliated institute of TU Ilmenau
/in CiS general, PersonnelOn August 11, 2011, the ceremonial signing of a contract for the recognition of the CiS Research Institute as an affiliated institute of the TU Ilmenau took place during the kick-off event for the Solar Research Initiative at the TU Ilmenau